
This is the website intro text. It’s quite short. This is the website intro text. It’s quite short. This is the website intro text. It’s quite short. This is the website intro text. It’s quite short. This is the website intro text. It’s quite short. This is the website intro text. It’s quite short. This is the website intro text. It’s quite short.

Community-Led Regeneration A Toolkit for Residents and Planners

Community-Led Regeneration A Toolkit for Residents and Planners

Through seven London case studies of communities opposing social housing demolition and/or proposing community-led plans, Community-Led Regeneration offers a toolkit of planning mechanisms and other strategies that residents and planners working with communities can use to resist demolition and propose community-led schemes.

Designing Disorder: Experiments and Disruptions in the City

Designing Disorder: Experiments and Disruptions in the City

A manifesto for the Open City: vibrant, disordered, adaptable: In 1970, Richard Sennett published the groundbreaking The Uses of Disorder, arguing that the ideal of a planned and ordered city was flawed. Fifty years later, Sennett returns to these still fertile ideas and, alongside campaigner and architect Pablo Sendra, sets out an agenda for the design and ethics of the Open City.

Civic Practices

Civic Practices

A collective project promoted and coordinated by CivicWise community. Civic Practices have always existed. The most primitive forms of urbanisation emerged from self-organised communities to address their needs. Civic practices are not new, but new opportunities are emerging in this context of post-2008 Global Financial Crisis.

Sevilla Contemporánea: Arquitectura 2000-2010

Sevilla Contemporánea: Arquitectura 2000-2010

Sevilla reaparece en escena tras un largo período de asimilación de las manifestaciones arquitectónicas e infraestructurales llevadas a cabo con motivo de la EXPO’92, y por las cuales la ciudad fue transformada sustancialmente en su morfología y funcionamiento como metrópolis.